

All writing is listening. Listening to the muse, to the client, to the space behind the words. When we impose ourselves on language, it falls flat and refuses to work for us. But when we follow the seeds of inspiration, our words can burst forth and shine. This is the approach I bring to all the work I do.

Here are some of the projects I’ve written for:


Milo was founded on the belief that every age has beauty, worth and meaning. The future of aging with grace and independence is here.

Project: Helping Holiday Retirement launch Milo, a pilot program to help seniors live at home ––with social, marketing and product copy; interviews; and a telenovela campaign.


With the same no-nonsense guidance he's used for over 40 years, Dr. Phil helps you build on what you love and change what you don't.

Project: Bridging the gap to bring Dr. Phil’s work online with “Become the Best Version of Yourself” by creating video scripts, product and marketing copy.  


When you shine, you give everyone else permission to shine with you. Be as bright as you can be.

Project: Increasing engagement for Oprah’s Get the Life You Want tour by creating content for a mobile commerce app to keep the dream alive. 


When a single mother in Indonesia was struggling to make ends meet, she discovered the economic power of sustainable energy.

Project: Sharing the successes of a program in Southeast Asia to support women’s independence through sustainable energy for an annual report.


Most stress management techniques offer only temporary relief. Find your personal balance to achieve lasting well-being.

Project: Helping a legacy brand reach a new audience by writing self-help programs in well-being, finances, relationships and career.


Give a valentine to a stranger. It's our way of recognizing the humanity in everyone.

Project: By creating a movement to give valentines to strangers, hundreds worldwide were inspired to participate, becoming soldiers in the Army of Lovers.  


Have a project in mind? Let’s see how I can help.